Thursday, July 9, 2020

Profile Summary for resume

Profile Summary for resume Profile Summary for Resume | Examples for Freshers Experienced6 min read Read ­ing Time: 4 min ­utesTo begin with, a resume is a small record of one’s rel ­e ­vant expe ­ri ­ences and qual ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions per ­tain ­ing to the job one is apply ­ing for. Arguably, one’s resume plays a cru ­cial role in get ­ting one hired. So, it is impor ­tant your resume looks not only well orga ­nized but also is full of eye-catch ­ing details.In today’s world, almost every job seek ­er has a resume stuffed with sev ­er ­al expe ­ri ­ences and qual ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions, now in that case, what should one do to set their resume apart? Well, if you want your resume to stand out from the rest, you should focus more on your pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry. Hav ­ing said that, you would be glad to know that there are many pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for resume exam ­ples that can tell you how to write one. Profile Summary In your resume, this is the first thing a hir ­ing man ­ag ­er looks for. As the name sug ­gests, it is a sum ­ma ­ry of one’s career expe ­ri ­ences, edu ­ca ­tion, aims, and skills. Unlike the rest of the con ­tent of the resume (pre ­ferred in bul ­lets), the pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry is writ ­ten in phras ­es and sen ­tences. Pro ­vid ­ed that, the sum ­ma ­ry should not exceed more than four lines. Believe it or not, this is the most sig ­nif ­i ­cant part of a resume. as after read ­ing it, the hir ­ing man ­ag ­er decides whether or not to go ahead with the appli ­ca ­tion. Also, learn about how to write Cov ­er Let ­ter for Resume Profile summary for fresher There is no deny ­ing that an expe ­ri ­enced per ­son has to strug ­gle with what points to include and what to leave in the sum ­ma ­ry but that does not mean writ ­ing pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er is any less trou ­bling? While an expe ­ri ­enced can ­di ­date has a lot to include in the sum ­ma ­ry, a fresh ­er hav ­ing no expe ­ri ­ence in hand has to strug ­gle with what to put in it. Gen ­er ­al ­ly, we believe that there is noth ­ing much to write in the case of fresh ­ers due to theirlack of rel ­e ­vant expe ­ri ­ence but in con ­trast to all the belief, if done with lit ­tle atten ­tion, the sum ­ma ­ry can do mag ­ic. If you are a novice who has no idea about how to write a pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er then this arti ­cle is for you. In addi ­tion to explain ­ing about pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry, I will pro ­vide you with someexam ­ples as well. Points To Remember I have enlist ­ed 5 points that can be put in a pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er to make it stand apart from the rest. Academic accomplishments+leadership Are you a grad ­u ­ate? Do you have a degree in a pro ­fes ­sion ­al course such as jour ­nal ­ism, tourism, etc). What ­ev ­er your lev ­el of edu ­ca ­tion is, men ­tion that in the sum ­ma ­ry. After that, go on to explain how you demon ­strat ­ed lead ­er ­ship qual ­i ­ties in a club or dur ­ing a class project dur ­ing your study ­ing days. Believe me, this point will sure ­ly make the pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er quite impres ­sive. Interest and Passions Inter ­est and pas ­sion add weight to your pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry. Are you into social reform ­ing activ ­i ­ties? Good, let the recruiter know about it. Does tech ­nol ­o ­gy inter ­est you? Write that down in your sum ­ma ­ry. We have seen many pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry exam ­ples boast ­ing about the can ­di ­date’s inter ­est and pas ­sion. Hard Skills Tell about your adroit ­ness in par ­tic ­u ­lar soft ­ware. Men ­tion if you know the ins and outs of a tool. How ­ev ­er, keep one point in mind, enlist only one or two hard skills in your sum ­ma ­ry. A pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er should not be very lengthy. Soft Skills Here too, men ­tion only a few soft skills. Put down as a soft skill if you are a team play ­er, adap ­tive and have good com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion skills. Be Honest One should steer clear from exag ­ger ­a ­tion while writ ­ing a pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er because if one gets select ­ed he/she would be asked ques ­tions based on the sum ­ma ­ry. Include only those qual ­i ­ties or skills that you actu ­al ­ly have or the ones you are con ­fi ­dent to dis ­cuss. Do not make the mis ­take of copy ­ing each and every word is there in pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry exam ­ples. Well, this was for those who want to write a pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­ers and now let’s take a look at all the points one needs to keep in mind while writ ­ing a pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry, be it for fresh ­ers or expe ­ri ­enced peo ­ple. Important points to remember Con ­cise- As stat ­ed ear ­li ­er, the pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry should be short and crisp. Be it a sum ­ma ­ry for a fresh ­er or an expe ­ri ­enced one, it should not be more than 4 lines. Respect the time of recruiters. Key ­words- Be mind ­ful of the words you are using to describe your ­self. There are many pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry exam ­ples filled with over ­stuff ­ing of words that deprives the summary’s reli ­a ­bil ­i ­ty. No won ­der, all of those pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry exam ­ples turned out to be a fail ­ure. Should be apt- Your pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry should be in line with the job descrip ­tions. There ­fore, include specif ­i ­cal ­ly those skills and expe ­ri ­ences the role is look ­ing for. For instance, if the post is look ­ing for some ­one with 8 years of expe ­ri ­ence then begin your sum ­ma ­ry men ­tion ­ing that. Use ­ful Phras ­es- I can give you many sum ­ma ­ry exam ­ples that incor ­po ­rate cer ­tain phras ­es to make the sum ­ma ­ry look impres ­sive and for ­mal. You can include: “key skills are,” “com ­mit ­ted indi ­vid ­ual’, “adept at”, “result-focussed,” and many sim ­i ­lar phras ­es to keep the sum ­ma ­ry pro ­fes ­sion ­al. Place ­ment- All of your efforts in mak ­ing your sum ­ma ­ry eye-catch ­ing will go in vain if it is not placed apt ­ly. If you go through the resumes with sum ­ma ­ry exam ­ples you will note that all of them have the sum ­ma ­ry placed in the first sec ­tion. There ­after, make it fol ­lowed by your work expe ­ri ­ence and edu ­ca ­tion part. Accom ­plish ­ments- As stat ­ed in the pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry for fresh ­er, always men ­tion your accom ­plish ­ments in the sum ­ma ­ry. Either, you can describe your recent achieve ­ment or the biggest of all the achieve ­ments. Do not sound ego ­is ­tic while telling your achieve ­ments. Let them take you as approach ­able. Profile Summary Examples Marketing Accom ­plished Mar ­ket ­ing direc ­tor hold ­ing twen ­ty years of expe ­ri ­ence in sales and mar ­ket ­ing. In the span, hav ­ing suc ­cess ­ful ­ly cre ­at ­ed and imple ­ment ­ed mar ­ket ­ing poli ­cies that result ­ed in increas ­ing sales by as much as 55%. Excel ­lent team man ­age ­ment and com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion skills. Teacher Physics teacher in a pri ­vate school. Suc ­cess ­ful ­ly devel ­op physics cur ­ricu ­lum for grades 6â€"12. Con ­duct ­ed sev ­er ­al work ­shops on recent trends of physics. Strong teach ­ing and inter ­per ­son ­al skills. Sales Sales exec ­u ­tive with 5 years of expe ­ri ­ence in man ­ag ­ing insur ­ance and health ­care sales com ­pa ­nies. Have suc ­cess ­ful ­ly cre ­at ­ed and imple ­ment ­ed sales strate ­gies to achieve 35% rev ­enue growth per year. Have essen ­tial man ­age ­ment skills, moti ­va ­tor. For those looking for Career Change A quick learn ­er and a doer. Skilled in sales, cus ­tomer ser ­vice, oral and writ ­ten com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tions. Bagged a num ­ber of awards for achiev ­ing excel ­lence in sales. Skilled in medi ­at ­ing between work ­ers, head ­ing team project and men ­tor ­ing. By now you must have under ­stood the impor ­tance of Pro ­file sum ­ma ­ry and why is it so impor ­tant to have an impres ­sive one. how to write profile summaryprofile summaryprofile summary examples

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